Looking for the best coffee shop in Santa Barbara to write in. Requirements: good vibe, decent food, an open table.

Monday, January 23, 2012

The Mission

Today I start writing my book about Pakistan, and I need to find the best spot in Santa Barbara to do it.

How do you start writing a book?  I have no idea.  I've never written one (unless you count that 304-page unpublished dissertation).  But I am willing to try, in fits and starts and however I can, in between my job and my 3-month old baby.  I'm aiming to start with two writing sessions per week, and I figure I might as well make it fun.

Santa Barbara has more coffee shops per capita than any city in the United States (I'm making this up, but doesn't it *feel* true?), and I just might hit them all.  I recently moved back to town after 15 years away and I won't be here long, so we will have to work fast.  You can help out by suggesting your favorite spots, and I will do my part by ordering lots of lattes and pastries, testing out wi-fi speed, and telling you which staff give me dirty looks for staying longer than 30 minutes.

Let the grading begin!
First up: Coffee Cat

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